Power XL Air Fryer Stopped Working! 11 Causes & Solutions

An air fryer is an electric device that works only using electricity. As an electric device, an air fryer can malfunction at any time, like it may not working, stopping working, not turning on, heating up food, etc. It is true for any type and any brand’s electrical devices.

Anyway, you are probably a PowerXL air fryer user, and your PowerXL air fryer stopped working. If so, this troubleshooting guide is for you. Here we have mentioned all the possible causes and solutions for why your PowerXL air fryer stopped working. So continue reading if you are a PowerXL air fryer user and facing this kind of issue with your PowerXL air fryer. Note: Our tips are applicable to all models of PowerXL air fryers.

Why Is Your Power XL Air Fryer Stopped Working While Cooking & How To Fix?

A Power XL air fryer can be stopped working for several causes. The most common causes are power issues, overheating, damaged control panels, and blown fuse. Also, a PowerXL air fryer can be stopped working for a damaged motor, damaged heating element, broken fan, internal issues, safety features, user errors, overloaded food at once, and more.

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Let’s see in detail about these causes and their solutions.

  1. Power issues:

Probably the power supply has stopped to the air fryer. Check the power cord and ensure it is working well, plugged in properly, and does not loosen after a while. Use another power cord or replace the power cord if required. Now check the power outlet and ensure it is also working well. Plug the air fryer into another power outlet to check if the power outlet is functioning properly.

2. The air fryer has become overheated:

Probably your Power XL air fryer has become overheated due to continuous prolonged use. In this situation, let the air fryer cool down for 10-20 minutes and try to use it again. Never use an overheated air fryer because this can cause the air fryer to explode and cause an accident.

3. Internal issues:

Probably there may be an issue has occurred with the wiring or parts inside the air fryer. Open your air fryer and check if any wire has become loose or if any parts have become damaged. Tighten the loose wires or replace the defective or damaged parts. Take a qualified electrician’s help to complete the process.

4. The air fryer motor has become damaged:

Probably your Power XL air fryer motor has become damaged. In this case, contact Power XL customer service or take the air fryer to your nearest kitchen appliance repair shop. Fix the motor if it is defective or replace it if it becomes totally damaged. Power XL air fryer replacement motors are available in the market.

5. The air fryer heating element has become damaged:

Probably your Power XL air fryer heating element has become damaged, which is why your Power XL air fryer stopped working. Check the heating element and ensure it is working well. Fix the heating element if it can fix or replace the heating element if it has become totally damaged. Visit this article: Why Is My Air Fryer Heating Element Not Working (How To Check And Fix).

6. The air fryer fuse has become blown:

Probably your Power XL air fryer fuse has blown. Check the fuse using a multimeter and ensure it is not blown. Replace the fuse if required. Checking and replacing the fuse by yourself can be difficult, so take the air fryer to a qualified professional for assistance.

7. Problems in the control panel:

If there are any issues with the air fryer control panel, the air fryer can be stopped working properly. In this situation, contact Power XL customer service for assistance if the air fryer is still under warranty or take the air fryer to the appliance repair center.

8. The air fryer fan has become damaged:

If your Power XL air fryer fan becomes damaged, it will not circulate hot air around the food inside the cooking basket, and the air fryer may stop working. Open your air fryer, check its fan, and ensure it is in good condition and working properly.

9. The cooking timer is over:

Probably your set cooking timer has been over, and that is why your Power XL air fryer turned off automatically. Check the cooking timer and check if it is over. If so, you can be sure there are no issues with your Power XL air fryer.

10. Safety features:

Sometimes air fryer’s safety feature can turn off your air fryer for safety purposes, especially when the cooking cycle is complete or when the air fryer overheats.

11. Too old air fryer:

If your Power XL air fryer becomes too old, it can be unable to take the load of work and may stop working. So if your Power XL air fryer becomes too old, purchase a new one.

In Short! What Should You Do If Your Power XL Air Fryer Stopped Working?

  1. Check the Power Source:

Ensure that your Power XL air fryer is properly plugged into a working electrical outlet. Sometimes, a loose or disconnected power cord can be the culprit for your Power XL air fryer to stop working.

2. Check if the electrical outlet is overloaded:

Check the electrical outlet where you have plugged your Power XL air fryer and ensure it is not overloaded with the other electric devices at the same time you run your air fryer.

3. Reset your Power XL air fryer:

Resetting will help your air fryer to solve some minor issues.  Unplug your Power XL air fryer from the electrical outlet and let it cool down completely. When it is completely cooled down, try resetting it following the manufacturer’s instructions. You will find the Power XL air fryer resetting instructions on the user manual of your air fryer.

4. Inspect your air fryer power cord:

Examine your Power XL air fryer power cord for any visible damage, such as cuts or frayed wires. If you find any visible damage to the power cord, replace the cord. You will find the replacement power cord for your Power XL air fryer on the PowerXL brand’s official website, on the online marketplaces, and local market.

5. Check the safety Features:

Many brands’ electric air fryers have built-in safety features that prevent them from working in certain conditions like when the air fryer is overheated or overloaded. Power XL air fryers also have built-in safety features that prevent them from working when they are overheated or overloaded.  Check if your Power XL air fryer cooking basket and tray are properly seated and that the air fryer is closed securely.

6. Check the timer and temperature settings:

Ensure that you have set the timer and temperature settings correctly. Your Power XL air fryer will not start if the cooking timer and temperature settings are not adjusted properly. If required, read your Power XL air fryer instructions manual one more time to set the timer and cooking temperature properly.

7. Inspect the heating element:

Over time, the heating element in an air fryer wears out or becomes damaged. Check your Power XL air fryer heating element and ensure it is not worn out or damaged. If you suspect this is the issue, replace the heating element by getting help from a qualified technician.

8. Check for loose connections:

Open your Power XL air fryer and carefully check for any loose or disconnected wires or components inside the air fryer. If you find any loose or disconnected wires or parts inside the air fryer, then reconnect them securely. If you cannot do this, then take an air fryer expert’s help.

9. Perform a hard reset:

Some Power XL air fryer models have a hard reset feature that can be activated by pressing and holding specific buttons or a combination of buttons. Check if your air fryer has a hard reset feature on it. If it has, then read your Power XL air fryer user manual for instructions on performing a hard reset.

10. Inspect your Power XL air fryer control panel:

Check if any buttons on the control panel of your Power XL air fryer are stuck or unresponsive. Sometimes, a faulty button on the control panel can prevent your Power XL air fryer from functioning correctly.

11. Check your Power XL air fryer warranty:

If your Power XL air fryer is still under warranty, contact the Power XL air fryer customer service to inquire about warranty coverage and potential repair or replacement options.

12. Consult a professional technician:

If none of the above troubleshooting tips work and you are not comfortable disassembling or diagnosing your Power XL air fryer stopped working issue yourself, it will be better for you to seek the assistance of a qualified appliance technician.

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