9 Common Cuisinart Electric Kettle Problems Solutions!

Boiling water has never been this easy with the help of electric kettles. Just pour the water into a kettle, turn the switch on, wait for a couple of minutes, and the hot water is ready for you to use.

Unlike traditional gas stove kettles, electric kettles are used to boil the water instantly. They are highly efficient with many innovative features, and due to this, they are so popular, especially in the winter season, when boiling takes time.

When it comes to which electric kettle is good for the job, Cuisinart electric kettle is so popular for its looks and different special features. While using it, you might face problems, and even having the Cuisinart kettle user manual can not help you with the situation.

Before you fix them, you must find the cause, whether it’s a major or minor problem. We will try to find and fix your problem through this article.

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Cuisinart Electric Kettle Not Working!

If your Cuisinart electric kettle not working, check out the following points. Try each point to fix the problem before taking it to an expert.

Why Is My Cuisinart Electric Kettle Not Working?

 1. Unplugged kettle:

 It’s normal for people to forget to plug the electric kettle into a working power outlet and make sure you plugged it into the outlet.

2. Not pressing the start button: 

The Cuisinart electric kettle has a start button that is often forgotten to press, making people think they are not working. So, you have to press the start button, and you should press it after selecting the temperature. However, if it’s not working, check the following solutions.

3. Low water level:

Cuisinart electric kettles have a certain water level that you should fill. If it does get enough water in them, they might not work. So, open the lid and add some water to a specific level. Once your kettle has enough water, it will start working again.

4. Automatic switch off:

The internal memory switches off when your kettle is off the base for more than two minutes. It is embedded in the system to prevent further damage to the heating elements. But it may prevent the functionality.

If it happens, you should put the kettle back on the base. Then again, choose the temp settings, press the start button, and it should work like before.

5. Proper power supply

Make sure you have a functioning power outlet where you have connected your electric kettle. Check the kettle on other outlets in your home (ensure the outlet is functioning well).

On the other hand, make use of your cordless kettle on the base properly. So, eliminate this problem before moving on to the next one.

6. Problem with the heating element

The heating element of the kettle heats the water within it. Without it, the kettle is nothing but a water holder. So, check the heating element if your Cuisinart kettle is not working. The operation of heating water will hinder if it is damaged or has defects.

7. Damaged Cable:

Despite having a sturdy cable, it will wear out over the years. In that case, the cable may get damaged, resulting in not working. So, Check the cable; if you find any damage, see an expert or call customer support to help you fix it.

8. Insufficient voltage:

It takes 110 voltages for the Cuisinart electric kettle to operate correctly. Lower than it won’t heat up, or it would take more time to heat the water. So, check if they have enough voltage. Low voltage problem happens rarely. But after a power blackout.

If that’s the case, wait until the voltage is stable in your house or call an expert to take the proper steps to fix the voltage problem.

Cuisinart Kettle Stopped Working Suddenly!

When your kettle stops working all of a sudden or heating your water, it may be because of the same reason as the “Cuisinart electric kettle not working” part. So, if your kettle is not working, suddenly check the problems and solutions mentioned above, and it will help you eliminate the problem and have water at your desired temperature.

Cuisinart Kettle Not Heating Up!

Is your Cuisinart kettle not heating the water even if it is plugged into a functional outlet? Check the probable reasons why it’s happening and what you can do to tackle the situation.

1. Check the plug of the kettle. An Unplugged kettle won’t heat your water, will it?

2. Cuisinart cordless electric kettle requires its base (where the kettle is put) and some pre-requirements set through pressing buttons. Follow the correct procedure to select the temperature, then press the start button.

3. Descale your kettle once every three months (Soft water area) or once a month (Hard water area), so the limescale doesn’t hinder the healing process. (Check the end of the article for “How to descale your kettle.”)

4. Check the other problems and solutions mentioned in the “Cuisinart electric kettle not working” part, which might solve the problem.

5. In the worst-case scenario, you might damage the coil within the kettle or heating elements due to extended usage or faulty product; call Cuisinart Customer Service.

Cuisinart Kettle Not Turning Off!

Not turning it on can be frustrating, but it can be troublesome if the kettle doesn’t turn off. There are some possible causes for this, and we are mentioning them below with a logical, easy solution.

Why Is Your Cuisinart Kettle Not Turning Off?

1. Not closing the lid properly:

It might be the reason the kettle’s lid is not closed correctly. Because when the top is not totally closed, naturally, it will take longer for the water to reach the boiling point. If the thermostat of the kettle finds it challenging to get boiling, It won’t initialize the automatic shut-off mode.

So, make sure you close the lid fully, and you will solve the problem.

2. Limescale problem:

Limescale can be troublesome to the kettle, and it hampers the performance of the electric kettle. If the kettle built a lot of limescale in it, it might be the reason for it not turning off. So, descale your kettle regularly.

As we mentioned, you have to descale it every three months if you are in a soft water area and once a month if your area has hard water. Make sure to descale them more often if you use them more than five times a day. (Check the end of the article for “How to descale your kettle.”)

3. Overfilling the kettle:

Overfilling your kettle can cause it to boil water excessively. Because of filling the kettle, the water enters the steam tube, and it will stop the kettle from switching off. Don’t cross the minimum water level indicated outside of the kettle.

When the kettle is already overfilled, then you should unplug it. Then open the lid and empty the water from it. You can use a towel or kitchen tissue to make the kettle dry. After that, leave the kettle with its lid open for 24 hours. Your kettle should be working again after doing these.

4. Problem with the thermostat:

If doing all the above doesn’t fix the problem, the kettle has malfunctioned the thermostat. Cuisinart kettle parts are well made, but it wears off for rough uses for a long time. A thermostat is an element that helps the kettle to turn off when the water reaches its boiling point.

In most cases, the thermostat malfunctions when the pin melts. For this, the water keeps boiling in the kettle. To check if that’s the case, unscrew the kettle’s handle. The thermostat is usually kept on the handle of the kettle. Check the thermostat for a melted pin.

In that case, you need to replace the thermostat. You can replace it yourself by buying Cuisinart kettle replacement parts from the parts and spares store online. Or you can give it to an expert to replace it for you.

If nothing above works, and you still have the same Cuisinart electric kettle problems contact Cuisinart customer support if it is under warranty or take your kettle to a qualified expert.

Cuisinart Kettle Not Switching On!

See the “Cuisinart electric kettle not working” section to fix this problem. They are pretty similar. But those don’t work if it might happen for damaged Buttons. It is a much better option to give it to an expert to replace the buttons of the kettle. 

Cuisinart Electric Kettle Buttons Not Working!

If none of the buttons doesn’t work, but still lights are on. Try resetting the kettle by lifting it off the base and then replacing it to reset it. It will restart the heating cycle. Make sure you cool down the kettle by using cool water or wait for it to cool itself. And it might solve the problem of buttons not working.

On the other hand, if no buttons work and the lights are off. Check if you have plugged the kettle or not. And check the “Cuisinart electric kettle not working” section to try different solutions.

Cuisinart Electric Kettle Making Loud Noise!

It’s normal to hear a sound when the kettle is boiling water. But if it makes loud noises, then descaling the kettle would be a great solution. You can try some other methods to muffle the loud noise like

1. Using tea cozy: Tea cozies can help keep the kettle warm for some more time and muffle loud noises. Make sure the tea cozies are thick and have better insulation.

2. Spraying rubberized undercoating: Although it is used in cars to prevent rust and cancel the noise from the road. You can also use it on your kettle, and it will offer dirt and dust-free kettle while making it quieter.

Before spraying it, make sure you wash and dry the kettle. Spray on the outside of the kettle, and avoid the holes and wires when you are spraying.

3. Extra padding: The noise might produce due to an uneven surface where the kettle is or an irregular area on the bottom side of the kettle. Putting extra padding under the uneven surface will reduce the noise. Try using a rubber or sound-cancelling mat to absorb the noise.

Cuisinart Electric Kettle Beeping!

If your Cuisinart electric kettle is beeping with all the lights flashing, you don’t have to worry about it. It is a built-in system to alert you and automatically shut off to avoid damaging the heating elements. It usually happens when you have too low water in the kettle for heating, and it is built-in Boil-dry protection.

So, remove the kettle from its power base, then add some more water. After that, please put it back on the base and press start again.

It should solve the problem you are facing. But if it still doesn’t, try cooling down your kettle with cold water or let it cool by itself. Then replace it on the base with enough water in it. It will reset and restart the heating cycle. And it will normally work again.

How To Descale Your Cuisinart Electric Kettle?

As you know by reading the article, descaling regularly can solve some common problems and increases the longevity of the kettle. Now let us be familiar with the descaling process, which is pretty easy and simple.

If you have a descaler at home, it is better to use it to dissolve the scale; if you don’t have any, then follow the instructions for a better descaling result.

1. Fill the kettle half (4 cups) full with white vinegar.

2. Turn your kettle on to boil the vinegar.

3. After it is boiled, let the vinegar sit in the kettle for at least 30 minutes.

4. Check if you are satisfied with the descaling.

5. If unsatisfied, repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. (You can use 1 cup of vinegar instead of 4 cups.)

6. Wash the kettle with water. Make use there is no vinegar smell or flavor left in your tool.

That goes descaling the internal part of the kettle. You also have to descale the lid. To do that,

1, Soak a clean cloth in equal parts water to vinegar.

2. Use the cloth to wipe and scrub around the lid.

3. For stubborn limescale spots, leave the soaked cloth on it overnight.

4. Scrub the lid next, as the stubborn spots will loosen, and it will be easier to remove them.

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